Sunday, June 1, 2008

Odd Hours

I finished a new book by Dean Koontz titled "Odd Hours." It's the fourth in a series about a character named Odd Thomas (parents screwed up the birth certificate). He has an ability to see dead people and tries to help them cross over and leave this earth. He also has the ability to be a hero and save us all from doom. In this book he does it again. Single handedly he takes down a plot to "nuke" the US. All four books take place within a year and a half so this guy is really busy with his "saving the world." They are great quick reads and very enjoyable. Very appropriate for a younger reader, also.

The big house warming party was yesterday at my daughter's new home. Lots of people and food! It rained all day leading up to the start of the party and then at the exact moment it was to start the sun came out and quickly dried out the decks and yard. From there on it was a fun day! I don't envy her the clean up after all those feet came tramping through without wiping their feet.

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