Sunday, August 17, 2008

Insomnia again...........

It's 2:00 a.m. and I'm wide awake. Haven't been to sleep yet. Just can't get there. Finished "Faces of Fear" by John Saul. For the first hundred pages I thought I was reading Danielle Steel. Kept waiting for the typical Saul terror to set in. This was a different kind of novel for him but it was frightening. Something that could happen which makes it scarier. When you get past all the set up of marriages ending and new ones starting you get into the real meat of the book. I figured out the ending pretty early on but it didn't take away from my desire to keep reading. A nasty serial killer in this one. Don't want to say more which would ruin it for anyone who's a Saul fan. If you're a parent of a young girl it will make you re-think letting them have a My Space page. Now the dilemna; what to pick next.

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