Sunday, November 9, 2008


I finished my marathon watching of the second season of Dexter. When I first watched the first season they had showed it on regular television so it was quite different then what you get when you see it on DVD. The "F" bomb is every other word spoken and nudity is rampent. Unfortunately I'm hooked on the show. I need to know what's going to happen to Dexter. Now I'm hanging out there until a year from now and the next season is released. He's in a real "pickle" now! I wish they would have followed the book when dealing with the police sargent that is stalking him. Oh well, that's what happens when you give up your rights as an author. It is a gory show and my hubby can't take it other than in small doses so I waited till he was working and watched it. This last season wasn't as bad as his first season in the gore department. Now it's back to the latest novel to calm me down.

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