Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bah! Humbug!

I was sitting here secure in the fact that I had very little shopping to do yet for Christmas when I discovered that one of my major gifts is lost in transit. It will take a few days to track it and that means it won't be here before Christmas. I definitely want it since the price was excellent so I will be bugging the company for a replacement. I'm just sorry that my gift will be late for my daughter-in-law! I was going to get a gift card from this same company (Sears) for one of the kids but that isn't going to happen now. I don't want to go out in the crowd and have to be jostled or stomped on by the crazies. Bad enough that I have to go to the grocery store and stock up for the big day.

I heard some information recently about the effects of cholesterol medication on memory and also the fact that it makes you extremely tired. My doctor had increased my dosage and I wanted naps everyday and was struggling to remember certain words. Got really scary! I decided to stop taking them for a while and see what happens. Well, I don't know yet about the memory or the napping but I do know that I no longer have the severe tremor in my hands that I've been going to the neurologist for. Fancy that! The regular medication that I was on seems to be doing the trick again. Seems I'll be having a long discussion with the family doctor about that little side effect. Looks like I'll be doing something else to lower the cholesterol. Oatmeal, maybe!

I'm reading "Knit Two" by Kate Jacobs. Loved her first book: "Friday Night Knitting Club," but this one isn't going as well as the first. I'll finish before I pass final judgement.

1 comment:

Geoff said...

Which med was it? Celi had terrible problems with one that began with a "C"