Friday, December 31, 2010


I just finished Ian McEwan's "Solar." I found it a bit hard to follow and it seemed to drag in places. Michael Beard is a Nobel Prize winning physicist whose best work is 20 years behind him. He's married five times and always the womanizer even though he's short, fat and bald. His fifth marriage is rocked by his wife's infidelity which is something new for him so when he discovers that his wife has taken a second lover who is a co-worker of his he takes advantage of a freak accident to end his marriage and reinvigorate his career. The novel is full of greed and self-deception.

No big celebration for the new year. Just an early dinner out and then home to the regular Friday programming on television. My supply of goodies from the amazon box is quickly dwindling. I either need a raise or a second job to support my addiction.

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