Saturday, January 8, 2011


If you can handle reading the "N" word multiple times then this is a good book. Anne Rivers Siddons' "Heartbreak Hotel" is about the South in the 1950's so it was a common thing to hear. (I can't believe that such classics as Huckleberry Finn are being changed because of the "N" word when it represented the accuracy of that time.) Anyway, Maggie is in her final year at a southern university. A member of all the usual environs of life at that time. She was "pinned" to a true southern guy who was from Mississippi. They didn't own slaves but it still took 50 Negroes to run the plantation. An episode that took place on a visit to the plantation opened Maggie's eyes to a different way of looking at the changes taking place around her. Siddons' is a great writer and I have always enjoyed her novels.

We celebrated 12 years in our new home yesterday. That is the longest we've ever lived anywhere. Those years have flown by! Our gift to the new home was a new hot water heater. The old one was starting to rust and we felt that it was time to change it before we had a leak and a major problem. Since our water lines are sub par we are probably going to replace them, also. Acidic water has taken it's toll on them.

Had yesterday and today off so I'm enjoying it. Hubby had to work both days so I'm reading, working stained glass and napping. Back to the grind tomorrow.

1 comment:

Geoff said...

12 years in one place! Time to move.