Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Found an old John Saul novel that I'd missed. "All Fall Down" was written in the early 80's so it was funny to read about a time before cell phones and current technology. This one was just getting into computers and data searches. A small town has an unusual number of deaths by SIDS and young boys missing and considered runaways. Is there a link? All the births took place at the local hospital and all the mothers were treated by the same doctor. The mothers didn't want to be mothers and they were given an IUD. They all got pregnant anyway and the results are now being discovered by one of the mothers who has a background in computers and has done a little hacking to find out what really killed her baby daughter and why a young boy who was a friend of her son's has gone missing. I would not say that this was one of John Saul's best. Was rather disappointed but it was written early in his career. Maybe I'm losing my taste for this type of read.

Can't believe my granddaughter is turning 16 next Monday. It's bad enough to see your children getting older but it's much worse to watch it happen to your grandchildren.

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