Tuesday, March 22, 2011


James Patterson has put his name on some interesting books but this one is bizarre! Whoever really wrote it has gone way off the beaten path. Time frame is 60 years in the future and the Elite have taken over the earth and the humans are scum. The Elite are genetically altered and born in test tubes after two years of incubation. They are trying to destroy all the humans and of course there has to be a hero to save the world. Hays Baker has spent his life thinking he was Elite to find out during an operation that he's human and now hunted by the Elite who used to consider him a hero. I wasn't overly impressed with this book and am hoping it isn't a sequel but it has the makings of it. I did read it quickly since it has the short chapters that a Patterson book is famous for. Had the day off and spent it on the couch with my jammies on.

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