Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Finished Steve Berry's "The Jefferson Key." Good book but was a little hard to follow with every couple of paragraphs changing to a different person, location and event. Started with the attempted assassination of the President and our hero, Cotton Malone, shows up in time to stop it. From there he ends up in the Oval Office along with his female companion to stop modern day pirates from continuing what has been allowed since the revolutionary times. Freedom to privateer for America and give back a portion to the country but pocket the rest, known as Letters of Marque. All presidents that have tried to interfere with them have ended up assassinated. Good read! Anxious to get into some of my new box load of books that arrived this week.

Totally tired of work and the nasty customers who can't crack a smile if their lives depended on it. If I have to be nice then it would be great if it was returned. Don't even get one day off over the holiday weekend. Good thing we weren't invited anywhere anyway.

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