Monday, June 27, 2011


Wow! I've lucked out again with my last of my Mother's Day purchases. "22 Britannia Road" by Amanda Hodgkinson was another excellent read. I was worried that I was going to be in a funk from too much WWII, but this one had a different twist. Young Janusz and his bride, Silvana, are separated when he goes off to join the Polish Army but is attacked by Germany bombers while on the train fresh out of Warsaw. He is sidelined and is hidden and helped to get to France and eventually England where he finally becomes a soldier. His bride and young son are left to try to make their way to her husband's family and end up being bombed. Left to live in the forrest for the remainder of the war and avoid German soldiers, they have to survive eating what they can find. Six years later, Silvana is found by the British army and reunited in England with Janusz. Both burdened with secrets that are threatening to rip them apart. Now I have to delve into my stack of books and hope that there's something in there to compare to what I've recently read.

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