Sunday, August 14, 2011


When I started Karen White's "The Beach Tree," I thought it was your typical boy meets girl and they don't like each other and then they'll get together story. Wrong! Lots of twists and turns that kept me wanting to not put it down. Julie is only 12 when her younger sister goes missing. She takes up her mother's obsession to find her sister when her mother passes away a few years later. Her career is established with her love of art which she gets from her great grandfather who was a well known painter. This leads to her to a friendship with Monica and her young son Beau. The death of Monica leads Julie to Louisiana's gulf coast. Monica has left her custody of Beau, a beach house in Biloxi, and a very valuable painting which was painted by Julie's great grandfather. She's left with a mystery as to why Monica ever left Louisiana and never contacted her brother and grandmother again. I was a little disappointed in the ending. Kind of expected more from all the build up, but it was a good read.

My root canal on Tuesday ended Friday with the back portion of my tooth breaking off. I called the office where I had it done and they said to hurry right in. I left work and traveled the almost 40 miles to get there expecting something to be done to take away the very sharp edge that was now driving me crazy. Wrong! The guy who did the procedure is on vacation and his associate, a real nasty, eye rolling snob, barely looks in my mouth but informs me that I should have had a permanent filling installed by now. First of all, I was still having pain in the tooth so why would I have a permanent filling installed when there was a possibility that it would need further work and secondly, when would I have had time. I had no days off until today and it's Sunday! Duh! Next week is jury duty and I have no idea when I'll be able to get to a dentist. I was told I have a month to get the permanent filling done. Now I have a broken molar, a tooth that is still aching, the tooth in front of it that I feel is the real culprit and was the one I originally went in to have done and an associate that doesn't want to help me. She has a dental assistant start smearing temporary filling all over the tooth which by now is over my tongue and the molars all around the area. The chick has no idea how to help me. I was so frustrated, I just left and told them I'd never be back! By the time I reached the parking lot the filling dropped out in a big chunk. Instead of a permanent filling, I now need a crown! Probably two crowns since I think the original molar will also need a root canal. This is the only recommendation for root canal that my dentist had to offer! Geez!

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