Monday, November 19, 2007

Sparks Rules

Nicholas Sparks has done it again! His latest is "The Choice." I don't know how a "guy" can write such romantic books. I know that's sexist but really, who would think it possible. This one is right up there with "The Notebook" only with a younger couple. Get out the tissues! It's inevitable.

Now the big decision. Start Ken Follet's latest or read John Grisham's latest. Since John's isn't an attorney based thriller I think I'll tackle the "MORE THAN A 1000 PAGES THAT KEN WROTE." I don't think this one will be a day read. Might even keep me busy for the week since I've got to do a little cooking in the middle of things.

My granddaughter is coming over tomorrow night and we're spending Wednesday cooking and making pies. She more interested in using the scrap dough to make "cinnamon thingies." I better make extra dough so she has enough. Just spread the rolled dough with butter, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, roll it up in little circles and bake. To quote Rachael Ray, "YUMMO!"

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