Friday, February 15, 2008

Back Home from Surgery!

I'm home from the overnight stay in the hospital. I went in yesterday morning at 8:00 and was into surgery at 9:30. I remember coming to in recovery and was in, as they like to say, level 7 of a 1-10 rating of pain. I know they were pushing plungers to get me comfortable but then I started feeling nauseous. This was somewhere around noon so the fact that I had not eaten since the night before might have been why I was feeling woozy. By 1:00 I was in my room surrounded by my daughter, son and husband and I felt a 100 percent better. They gave me the "happy button" to push for a morphine fix but I'm happy to report that I didn't need to do so. Last night was interesting. They came to give me laxatives and milk of magnesia since pain killers apparently block your system. They threw in a sleeping pill. This was at 10:00. The nurse then announced that he would be back to take my vitals in half an hour. Great, give me a sleeping pill and then tell me you'll be back to wake me in a half hour. I turned the light back on and picked up my latest book and figured I wait for them. An hour later they still weren't there so I shut everything down, including me. This was rather difficult with an oxygen tube up my noise (I'm a mouth breather so what was the point), an IV leading across my body to my left hand, leggings to prevent blood clots that pulsate on a rotating basis and a mattress that adjusts to your body with the same air pulsing as the leggings. My room was next to the nurses' station and the elevators with the pharmacy robot making continual deliveries all night long and having long computerized voiced discussions with the elevator. I doozed off in time be awakened for the inevitable vitals check at 11:15. Happy to report that I do have a blood pressure and my oxygen levels were sufficient even though I was breathing through my mouth. Back to sleep until I woke at 3:00 when I caught the nurse adding something to my IV rack. He whispered that he was giving me more antibiotics. More doozing and 10 minutes later the anbiotics had emptied and the bells and whistles were sounding from the IV rack. That was it! Lights on and book in hand. Within half an hour the other guy was back to check the vitals again (since I was awake). Still alive! I managed to dooze again for another hour and was up in time for the lovely breakfast of watered cream of wheat (which I love when I make it) but somehow made with water instead of milk and brown sugar it just isn't the same. I knew I was getting out so I showered and was as ready as I could be when the doctor showed up to give me the "dirty details" of yesterday's event. Something about grafting bone and limited neck movement for 6-8 weeks kind of through me off. I was feeling so good till then. Later the check out with the nurses gave me the rest of the information on what I can't do for a while. No driving, vacuuming (yeah, don't do that anyway, but now have an excuse), raising my hands above my head (should have mentioned this yesterday when I was showing off to everyone that came in the room), and lifting (which I pretty much have decided I'm never doing again since that's what got me in this mess to begin with. The best part was hanging with the family and enjoying their attention. Don't usually get captive audiences like that for long periods of time. I'm spoiled! Today I had the attention of my daughter for a while at the hospiital and my granddaughter and son since I got home. My son cut out early since, he too, suffers from insomnia and hasn't slept well with all I put him through this week. He wouldn't admit that but I think it's true. I truly could use a nap but am afraid I won't sleep tonight. Thanks to all who wished me well and said those wonderful prayers. All I'm apprehensive about now is the blood clots that the nurse warned me about before I left the hospital. Since I don't have the pulsating leggings to help me out I guess the hubby will have to stay awake all night and rub my legs. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I thought I'd review "Madame Bovary" today but I fell asleep while reading it. That wasn't supposed to happen. Guess those sleeping pills do work just not 13 hours later.

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