Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dew!

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic this morning. Going back 13 years to the birth of my granddaughter. Watching my baby girl give birth to her baby girl. Walking her up and down the hall during labor. Having my hand squeezed with the labor pains that ripped through her. Watching that little bundle of joy being vacuumed literally from her body when it didn't want to give the baby up. The smiles on the faces of my daughter and son-in-law when they were given the little bundle to hold. The itch in my fingers to grab her. I waited patiently, and finally when they were busy with my daughter and my son-in-law had gone to tell his parents the news, I got my chance. When they placed that little baby in my arms I didn't think I could love anyone more. You love your children but I was "way" young when I went through that and maturity makes it different. Being a "Grandma" makes it different. All the blessings it brings. My heart burst with the love I felt! Now she's so near to grown! All legs, growing "buds," and braces. Trying to tame her curls in a ponytail when she should let them go wild! Firing rapid speech at you faster than your brain can translate it into words. Oh, still my little treasure. Born on the first day of Spring and nicknamed "Dew." Happy Birthday, my darling Dew!

My son is off to Holland tonight for Spring Break. His wife had been in Italy for the week with some other teachers and now she's meeting up with him in Holland for a little rest and relaxation. What happens in Amsterdam, stays in Amsterdam! Guess this means they'll miss Easter Dinner!

There's really no Easter dinner this year. Other relatives claim the children and my husband is scheduled to work the whole day so it's a sandwich for me at noon. No reason to paint eggs or buy chocolate either. Maybe I'll go visit my cousin that's still in the hospital after her back surgery. She probably needs the chocolate and flowers after a month of being strapped to a bed.

I gave the book "Change of Heart" to a girl I work with and she's loving it as much as I did. Only a little over halfway through it but already sending me emails about how wonderful and thought provoking it is and that she has never read anything better. When we worked together before, we used to share books and enjoy similar ones so I was hoping she would read this one so I could discuss it with her. Jodi Picoult's books do that to me. Makes me want everyone around me to read them so I can discuss them. I was at the office yesterday and she was asking me things I couldn't tell her because I didn't want to ruin the ending for her. I'll soon be done with my latest read but it won't get great reviews.

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