Wednesday, March 12, 2008

One Thousand White Women......

I finished "One Thousand White Women" by Jim Fergus. Even though it is fiction it was eye opening to the treatment of the American Indians by the "White man's government." Mary Dodd was the main character and writer of the journals of her life with the Cheyenne. She was raised in a family of wealth but turned from them to pursue her own life. This led to her being wrongly committed to an asylum and there tortured and raped for a year until the she received the offer to join up as one of the women to go west to "breed" with the Cheyennes to further Indian relations with the White Man. The friendships she made and the life she came to honor with her new family was a fascinating story. Many of these women were former patients, prisoners or females who had fallen on hard times. Well worth reading.

The yard is filled with birds. Unbelievable noise! Sure hope they don't plan on roosting here for the night or we're in trouble. Guess a few loud noises might frighten them away.

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