Friday, March 7, 2008

Post Op

I'm three weeks post op and still waiting for my two week appointment. It was to be today at 12:15. I've had this same appointment even back when I first met with the doctor and we thought I was getting better on my own. Because of his vacation last week, the appointment time seemed to coincide with what his needs were so I kept it. Originally it was a follow up to our first meeting and then became my post op. I got a call yesterday from his office stating that he was 170 percent overbooked for Friday and unless I wanted to wait in the office for two or more hours, could I make my appointment for Monday. I guess they don't care that you've had surgery and should be checked to make sure all is well. What's three more days when you're already over a week overdue? So now I'm scheduled for Monday and hoping no further delays come along. In the meantime, I'm still not supposed to do any driving, etc. because it's on the "DO NOT DO" list that I'm supposed to follow until I see the doctor in post op. I'm driving myself to the appointment, so there! After all, I have this great back up camera to try out.

I finished "The Deception of the Emerald Ring" by Lauren Willig. It was the book I put aside to read Jodi Picoult's. By the way, if you email Jodi she answers your email. I did it when she wrote "My Sister's Keeper," never expecting an answer, just letting her know I loved it. I got a nice chatty email back. This time, I just let her know I felt it was her best to date and got a two line answer. She's much busier now and all, but she still answers. Anyway, Lauren Willig's books are all sequels that are about spies in the early 1800's. The time frame is still 1803 and it involved new characters that were known to the last two books' characters. This time it centered around the Irish Rebellion of 1803 that the French were backing so that England would be at their mercy when they were attacked by both the Irish and the French at the same time. History, again, with a little fictional storyline running through it. The novel flips between the 1803 time period and current day with it's own storyline. The modern day version is the supposed author of the doctorate on English spies with her own story to tell. So far only two weeks have passed in the time frame of these three novels. I have the fourth book waiting to be read and I hope it's the last. It's an interesting concept but it's time to put it to rest. Good read. Hard to say it's thought provoking after what I just finished from Picoult, though.

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