Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The primary election is over! I'm so relieved that we'll have a break for a little while from all the nasty commercials and pettiness. Not thrilled with the results but Obama did shoot himself in the foot with his comments about Pennsylvanians. Can't say things about us and get away with it. I guess it doesn't matter if you lie about your trip to Bosnia. I'm surprised anyone from the Republican party bothered to go to the polls today. No one was contesting the major PA spots and it was just lists of delegates to be picked that brought any choices. Almost an "eeny meeny" decision. I was glad I had a movie rental to watch so I wasn't bogged down with all the election results until the late news.

Trying to refinish a piece of furniture that my Grandfather made. My daughter has had it for years and it's showing a lot of wear. I'm very emotional about anything concerning this Grandfather. He was my favorite and I treasure anything that I have that was his. Stripping the varnish and stain off the piece was devastating! Knowing his hands put it on the piece to begin with. It did make me think that part of the piece was taken from something else in the past. The front legs were of a different kind of wood and I think it might have been table legs that he used to make the piece. There were originally two identical sideboards and it looks like he used two legs on the front each piece. They were very ornate and the back legs are just straight. I don't know who got the other matching piece. Hope it didn't end up in an antique shop somewhere.

Have to attend a sales meeting tomorrow at the office. It's such a drag! Nothing of that much interest ever takes place. Same old stuff is brought up and the manager tries to make it a rah rah session. I hate that! She tells us what we need to do to get listings and it's the same old stuff we've heard for years and it didn't work in a good market and sure isn't working in this dead market. We could get by on one meeting a month. With gas at $3.50 a gallon we sure don't need the extra running around. Oh well!

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