Saturday, April 19, 2008

Getting older

I spent some time yesterday in a nursing facility. No matter how many times in my life that I visit one it's always depressing and so very sad. This one was one of the better facilities that I have ever been in and yet you would still hear the inevitable "help me" from the rooms as you passed or see a patient in a wheel chair that was asleep with their faced smashed flat into the tray that was across their lap. It is a frightening ending! Imagine trying to pick from your beloved collectibles and possessions and decide what will fit into half a room. Something the size of my current bathroom. No books lining the wall! Just staring at those institutional walls and hospital beds. The closer I get to being elderly the more frightening it becomes. I'll be like my Grandmother and fight it to the end!

Started Elizabeth Berg's latest book. It's called "The Day I Ate Whatever I wanted." That's just one of the many short stories in the book. I don't usually buy books of short stories. Don't like having a story come to an end that quickly but her stories are so wonderful that I don't mind at all. I'm about half way through the book and am thoroughly enjoying it. Especially the one that the book is named after. That character gets "fed" up with Weight Watchers and the skinny people that show up at the meetings and decides to take a full day off and eat what she wants. She starts at Dunkin' Donuts and "eats" her way through the day. What heaven that would be. Even though she didn't finish all the many donuts she bought, she made sure she licked every single one before getting rid of them. I wouldn't bother with the donuts.......I'd head straight for the fried salty foods!!! I think that's a good way to spend my next birthday!

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