Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"The Third Secret"

This is a book by Steve Berry who has a style similar to "DaVinci Code." I usually like his books but this one was more than I could fathom. It's based in the Vatican in current times. A lot of references were made to the Fatima sightings which were, according to the book, missing a true 3rd secret. The Pope, Clement XV has discovered the missing information on the 3rd secret which should have been locked in the Vatican vaults. He's old and a replacement is sitting in the wings waiting to take over. That replacement plans to take the Catholic church backward instead of forward in it's thinking. He knows the secret and he doesn't want the world to know or it would destroy the church as we know it. The book seemed to take a long time to reveal the secret and when it was it was so unbelievable that I was rather disappointed. I believe that the revealed secret should be what is taking place in the Catholic church today, but it was too far fetched to believe it could ever happen. All, in all, a rather big let down.

A visit from the great grandchildren today was tiring. The 3 year old kept us on our toes. The 4 month old giggled and slept the afternoon away. Now we're all tired and ready for a nap.

My final post op checkup took place yesterday and all is well. No more discomfort and movement is good. The bone graft looks good and seems to be grafting nicely. Now it's time to get the tremor taken care of since it's getting worse. No appointments with a neurologist until July. Glad it's not an emergency. I'd just like to eat a bowl of soup without wearing it.

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