Thursday, May 8, 2008

Great story.....

I finished Jim Fergus' "The Wild Girl, The Notebooks of Ned Giles, 1932." This is the same author who wrote "A Thousand White Women." He carries his Native American theme into this novel with the final push to finish off the Apache tribe by the Mexicans in the 1930's when they reintroduced the practice of giving a bounty for every Apache scalp. A photographer is thrown back in time when he goes to a showing of his work at the end of the 1900's and he has to re-live the story behind one of his best works. A young Native American female that was captured and brought to a small Mexican village where because of her wild ways is confined to the local jail. The sheriff is charging admission to see her. She has given up and is starving herself until she is rescued and used as a bargaining chip to find a Mexican child that was stolen by Apaches four years earlier. An expedition is formed to head to Mexico to find the missing child. Rich young men are recruited to spend the money necessary to go on this expedition. The young photographer joins up and becomes a major factor in the story. Their adventure not only leads to the discovery of the missing child but another kidnapping that took place 50 years prior of a small child in the US. That child is now in his 50's and a major chief in the Apache nation. The fact that he's red headed and six four is sight to behold for those expecting to see an Apache. This is a wonderful read and to say more would reveal too much for those interested in reading this story.

Trying to get two houses to settlement that have run into tons of problems. Will be especially glad to see them settled! Other than those problems it was a great day with some time spent with my friend M.

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