Friday, May 9, 2008

Rainy Days......

It's spring and I should be out of the usual low that I experience when there aren't any leaves on the trees and the earth is just gray. That's why I love covers the blandness of winter. There's plenty of green out there but I guess it's the rain that has brought me down. I tried to lose my self in some painting. I had a friend ask me yesterday to paint her something.... anything. That was nice to hear! I started the canvas last night but by today I was wiping it away. Just couldn't get it going. The good and bad of oils. You can wipe it away but it also takes forever to dry so it's tough to stay at it and not have the colors bleed together. So no help there to bring me out of the slump. Paying a fortune at the grocery store and the gas station sure doesn't help. I stay home as much as possible and only venture out when I have a long list of things that need to get done.

Mother's Day is fast approaching. I always look forward to that. Having my kids without the usual holiday pressures that keep me from enjoying them. Getting to chat and relax with them. Being the center of attention is nice at least once a year. It's so rare to get that time with them anymore.

Got a bunch of books to pick from and yet none of them are jumping out at me. I'm sure there are some good ones in the pile but nothing is saying pick me up and read me. I did order the "Dexter" books that they based the television series on. They won't get here for a week or more though. There's also a new Elizabeth George book that should be good. She writes the Detective Lynley series that PBS has made a series about. I like the books much better than that series though. I'll probably have an increase in nightmares when I read the "Dexter" books. Poor hubby will be suffering from sleep loss when I start screaming during the nightmares. Scares both of us!

Gotta shake the mood!

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