Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Another James Patterson

So a month's gone by and it's time for another James Patterson book. This one is "Sail." I got it in the mail yesterday afternoon but didn't really start reading it until bedtime. Needless to say I didn't sleep much. I kept getting back up and reading and finally it was just done. A 45 year old mother of 3 has taken her kids on a sailing adventure. She's a busy heart surgeon but realizes that her family is falling apart and she needs to try to connect with the kids. She's newly married after being widowed for 4 years. She was left very wealthy after her first husband died. The new husband is a famous defense attorney who is too busy to go on the sail with her. Okay, so I figured out what was going to happen next but it was a great read and, as usual with a Patterson book, a fast read. I think I might have to wait two months for his next one. The next one due in is a Jeffrey Deaver book. Maybe it will come today!

A big weekend coming up! A 60th birthday party for a friend (he doesn't read this so it's safe) and a family reunion for my Dad's side of the family. Unfortunately they overlap so I'll have to hit the party for an hour or so and then head further west to the reunion. I might skip the food part since it's one of those bring a hot and cold dish which seems silly since it's just me going. If I don't eat then I can avoid the bringing food and trying to keep the hot dish hot and the cold dish cold for so many hours and such a long distance. My cousins from Canada will be there and I'm really looking forward to that. Then, of course, it's Father's Day on Sunday and since I no longer have a Father to celebrate with I do have a husband who is one and once he gets off work, I'll try to make his day a little special.

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