Sunday, July 27, 2008

Birthday celebration

I had an early call from a former work friend. Chatted an hour to catch up. A little later my cousin that lives in Germany made a call. Birthdays are great in that respect. Later I got a call from Mr. and Mrs. Hawaii. Doesn't sound like they're headed back home anytime soon. Life is one long honeymoon and that is a good thing. Next was a call from my stepdaughter. Plans are made for a lunch in a couple days. That's good since both she and my granddaughter had birthdays earlier this month and we haven't connected yet to celebrate those events. Last was a call from my OLDER brother. We whined about not being together on our annual fishing trip! Off to meet my friend from childhood. She did a little shopping and I watched. I find it's so much cheaper that way. Off to the restaurant and the big celebration dinner. Nothing better than being with the family! After the dinner my friend and I headed to the movies to see "Mama Mia." What a great musical. I love ABBA and for this movie to encompass all those great old songs into a storyline was wonderful. The theatre audience was singing right along! I rushed home to spend the last ten minutes of my birthday with hubby who had decided to not do the movie and did a quick check of my computer and there was one final birthday wish from my friend in Denver. I haven't heard from her in ages and I was so relieved to hear from her. Life is good!

Today I assembled the fancy artist easel my son and his wife gave me. Took me about two hours to put it together. It came with watercolors and acrylics, in addition to some oils. Guess I'm going to have to learn how to do those mediums, also. I don't need such a fancy easel. Way above my abilities but it is impressive. Speaking of art works. My older stepson gave me a flower sculpture that he made and it was absolutely great. Such a talented family! Time to try out the new easel!

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