Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Slow reading

I'm about a quarter of the way through "Cloudsplitter" by Russell Banks. I bought it when on our "staycation" trip to Harpers Ferry. It sounded like a good history lesson about John Brown, from the view of his son Owen who survived the massacre. When I actually started reading it I discovered it is pure fiction with historical events somewhere along the way but not much. It rambles! With less rambling it would be a good read and much shorter. It's almost 800 pages. Owen is narrating and he's only educated through elementary school and yet he uses words like truculent. When he writes about Negroes he has them speaking as illerates. Consistancy, please. I'm hoping I can stick with it and finish the book.

I'm still reeling from the men's finals at Wimbledon on Sunday. What a fantastic game but I was routing for Federer and he just couldn't do it. I think I suffered mutiple coronaries before the game was over. I'm glad my hubby had to leave during the first rain delay so that he wasn't subjected to the stress. Hope that isn't the end for Federer! If it would have been Roddick playing then I would have gladly watched Federer fail.

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