Monday, August 11, 2008

Song of Kali

The "Song of Kali" is a fightening novel written by Dan Simmons. It's set in the 1970's. The main character is a published poet, Robert, who is offered a job by Harper's to go to Calcutta to find a renowned poet that has suddenly had a manuscript surface after 8 years. Robert's wife is from there and he takes her as his interpreter along with his infant daughter. Calcutta is the foulest and most crime ridden city in the world. Filthy, stench-ridden, crawling, with vermin both human and otherwise. It is possessed of evils. Little did they know what danger they were entering into when their plane touched down. This was a truly frightening novel. Kept me turning pages till the end.

We've been staying up late and watching the Olympics every night. Since I don't exercise, I guess I have a need to watch others do it in abundance. I really enjoy the swimming and gymnastics portion. Go Michael Phelps! Even got into basketball yesterday with the US playing against the Chinese.

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