Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More training.....

I went to my first day on site at my new job. Spent the whole day staring at the computer taking one course after another with tests after each lesson. By noon I had a throbbing migraine from the headset that I had to wear. While I'm taking this training they have people parading through the room having conversations with the HR rep. and having meetings. The worst is that I have two more days of computer lessons and videos then I head back to two days of off site training in Harrisburg for the weekend. By next week I'll be shadowing someone. Sounds like I'll have the really early shift which wouldn't be bad if hubby didn't have a later one. I'll be ready for dinner by 4:00 in the afternoon like all good senior citizens and he'll be wanting his at 6:30 when he gets home. Bad planning. Didn't even get a lunch break today.

Guess my reading time is now cut. I still carry a book with me in the hopes that a few moments will appear for me to read a few pages. My latest read is "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. Wasn't sure about it when I first started reading it but I'm really enjoying it now. More later...........

Lots of family gatherings coming up. A reunion for more cousins that my daughter is kindly offered to host. Everyone will bring something so it will be just be me making a large meat dish, providing paper/plastic stuff and drinks. A birthday party for one of my aunts will be the next weekend. The hubby's reunion is soon and will take up two days since it's a few hours away and we get to stay over. Sure hope I can get all these days off.

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