Saturday, May 2, 2009

Comfort Food

That's what it's like to read an Elizabeth Berg novel. Like having a big old plate of something that warms you up inside and makes you feel so good. Her latest is "Home Safe" and it was superb. Have I mentioned that I just love this woman? This time she gives us Helen of some renown but who is recently widowed and is now suffering from "writer's block." She went from parents who did everything for her to a husband who did the same. She's trying hard not to make her daughter her next victim. She's mathematically challenged so her husband took care of the finances and to her surprise she gets a call from her accountant informing her that there was a rather large unexplained withdrawal from she and her husband's retirement account prior to his sudden death. With this news and the now lack of income from writing she takes a job teaching a writing course at night to supplement her income. Her students are amazing. In addition she gets a mysterious call from a man in California that will change her life. Loved it!

Now for the latest James Patterson. Great to have the day off and with the blinds closed I can pretend it's miserable out and that I have to stay in and read. No wonder I'm Vitamin D deprived!

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