Sunday, August 23, 2009


I think this is the longest I've ever taken to read a book. It was good......just long and being a paperback it was difficult to get into a groove. The fact that we got Directv and I was also making a baby afghan were also distractions. Anyway, it was an old Dean Koontz book called "Strangers." I figured out the ending a few chapters into the book so it was surprise at the end. A handful of people from different areas of the country were experiencing different changes in their lives suddenly. Sleep walking, fear of the dark, fugues, obsessions with the moon to name a few. Their common denominator was a stay in a motel in Nevada two summers ago. Something happened there that caused the government to brainwash them to keep them from talking. Someone is helping them remember with little hints. This novel was written in the 70's and was probably the longest novel Koontz ever wrote. I thought I'd read all his novels and suddenly I discovered I'd missed some so I was on a quest to fill in the blanks. I don't think I'll succeed since there are so many out there that he wrote under different names and may be hard to find now. Anyway, good book and fun read.

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