Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Day 3

Spent yesterday in Lancaster doing the family research and didn't come up with too much. I had better luck today, online. I'm collecting a lot of local history books from my journeys and now it will be albums and books. The books had some bits of information but online I found that 11 generations back I had an ancestor who was a Baron. He fled from Switzerland with false accusations of treason and lost his title and wealth. He spent time in Alsace, France where he wed and had his first son. He was exonerated and could have returned and collected all he lost be he came to America instead and made a fortune here. Wonder how long that fortune lasted with all the kids he had. He arrived in 1696 in America and ended up in Lancaster County. I'm sure the fact that he was an Anabaptist didn't help his plight in Switzerland.

All this research is cutting into my novel reading time. I'm getting a lot of reading done but it's history which is my favorite. I did manage to fit in some time in the office and even had a settlement today.

Halloween and we didn't have a little scary creature show up at the door. It's been 20 years since that's happened. This house and the last one are too remote for trick or treat. Sad though! I miss the excitement of the evening. I don't even decorate for it anymore since no one sees it but us. I did drive through the country side and through some small towns where I saw lots of little ones trudging along with loaded bags. There was a small party at the office at lunch with a covered dish from all participants. I can't see doing that since I'd have to make a big dish of something just to get a plate of stuff in return. Not into socializing with the other realtors anyway. I slipped out the back door!

Tomorrow is my hubby's birthday!

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