Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Another mystery

I read Harlan Coben's "Drop Shot." It was written back in 1996 but I had recently read his latest, "The Woods," and liked it very much so I decided to try one of his older ones. It turns out that it was a sequel and he has an on-going character that is a former NBA star that due to a knee injury decided to become a lawyer and while working toward his law degree also dabbled at the FBI. Even though there are missing areas that I haven't figured out about his background, I still found the book to be very entertaining. Kind of like a James Patterson, Alex Cross character. Lot of humor thrown into this murder mystery. I was able to pretty much figure out the ending of the book by mid way but it was still a good read and a page turner. Good enough that I will be looking for some of the earlier books by him and this same character. It's main theme was a rising tennis star and even though I don't play tennis, it is one of my favorite spectator sports.

I had my appointment with the neurosurgeon this morning and since I'm much improved he has decided to do nothing for me other than have me come back for a follow up in 4-5 weeks and make sure that everything is still okay. If not, then I'll face medication or physical therapy. I was kind of looking forward to having my neck stretched. He was very encouraging about a tremor that I have in my right hand that is getting worse as I age. It's an inherited thing from my Grandfather on my Mom's side. Both my brother and I have it and with medication we're getting by. My family doctor had said by the time I was 80, my right had would be useless. The neurosurgeon has assured me that is not the case and it can be improved when I feel it gets to bad. He said when I start slopping drinks all over myself then it's time to fix it. I mentioned that I don't buy soup in restaurants anymore unless they are super thick so that I don't wear them on my chest. He told me that the medication I'm taking is one way to deal with it and the other was with wine. YUMMO! There's another step and it involves electrodes so that will be the one I look to last; after I start slopping my drinks (wine), that is.

The nightmare settlement is on again for sometime mid to early next week. At least that's what the mortgage rep is saying now. I don't know if the Buyer is back from her runaway trip to Michigan or if we're doing this without her presence. I won't believe it until I see the keys in their hands and the paperwork in the settlement officers briefcase.

We thoroughly enjoyed the visit of our great grandchildren on Monday. The little guy is now 3 weeks old and his sister is still 3 years old!! She doesn't like the new addition at all and is acting out which is totally understandable to us old timers but rather frightening for the Mother. I assured her that it will pass and hope that it does so I look sage. I probably held onto the little guy more than I should since my shoulder and neck did bother me a bit more today but it was a pleasant discomfort. He slept the whole visit giving us only a random peek at his little eyes.

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