Friday, February 8, 2008

Pain again!

I was sleeping soundly when I must have turned wrong and then there was this horrible pain shooting down my arm. Whatever happened, I awakened the sleeping herniated disk and it's back with a vengence. I should have knocked on wood yesterday when I was telling someone how much better I felt recently. That'll teach me! Getting awake in the middle of the night and resorting to reading is usually a good thing. Reading Stephen King in the middle of the night is not! Scary! I'm on page 471 of the over 600 pages and it's getting to the point when you don't want to continue but you have to. Don't think night time reading is a good thing till I've finished this book.

I got my first real estate inquiry tonight at the office. I've done about 10 duties so far since I've returned to this agency and nothing. This will probably be nothing but at least the phone rang. I listed my daughter's house last night and there's a showing set up for it already. That's a good sign! Maybe Spring will improve the market even though that's not what my gut is telling me.

Getting ready to close the office and head home but a little side trip to the Chinese restaurant is in order. Happy New Year to my Chinese friends! It's the year of the Rat and that's my sign so I must celebrate.

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