Monday, February 18, 2008

The Saga continues

I'm feeling a little stiff and sore today. Went to our grandson's 21st birthday party yesterday, even though car rides are on the "DO NOT DO" list for now. I was so tired when I got home last night that when the head hit the pillow (or I should say; lowered gently) it apparently didn't move all night and it's the first good night's sleep I've had in ages. That makes for a stiff neck in the morning though.

Lost an Uncle over the weekend. He was my Mother's younger brother and now there's only one left on that side. The oldest brother has survived them all. Just one more step up the ladder into that older generation. We replace what is lost!

I read Norah Lofts' novel "Knight's Acre" while recovering from the surgery. I love her novels because they are set in the 1400's and she makes history fun to read. Historical facts with a good story to boot. This one was based on the 3rd youngest son in a time, of course, where the eldest got it all, the 2nd son went to the church, and the younger went to be a knight if they were good enough. This son made a name for himself as a knight and spent most of his life fighting wars or tournaments to make his livelihood. His wife stayed home and raised the family while he went off on his pursuits. The hardships they both faced were extreme. Throw in the inevitable plague and you have a great read. This is an oldy! Written in 1975 so it's hard to find.

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