Sunday, March 2, 2008

Back to work, sort of...

I held an open house today for my daughter's house. I drove myself and did fine. Unfortunately backing up is still a problem. Hard to turn around and see behind me with a stiff neck. Mirrors were of little help. Oh well, little steps! The open house wasn't to productive so we'll keep trying.

Yesterday was fun! Had my grandchildren for a while. My granddaughter's gotten into sewing and I got some material and pillow stuffing and let her make some pillows for her new bedroom. One's a 30x30 and the other a small for a sofa or chair. She did an excellent job! Hope she stays interested in it as a hobby.

I'm enjoying my latest read but I'm just not making a lot of head way. Not a real long book; just not finding the time I usually have for reading. I put it down quicker at night because I get tired sooner. I really want to finish it since Jodi Picoult's new book is due out in two days and I'm anxious to read it. If this one isn't finished then it will have to sit there while I read Picoult's. She trumps all!

Vacation time is sneaking up on us and no plans have been made. My brother is pressing me for a commitment to go fishing somewhere. Our large family trips have dwindled to a very small gathering and it's just not the same. From 18 to 4 or 5 is just not fun! I know my brother wants to seek revenge for the big fish I caught on the last night of our vacation last year which beat out his catch by a couple inches and pounds. I'm loving the status and am not anxious to forfeit it. I'm hoping that by next year we'll have the Hawaii son and daughter-in-law back in the area and the rest of the family ready to go again. I'm think Glacier National Park! Fishing and rock hunting make for a good combo.

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