Sunday, November 23, 2008

Comedy of errors

On Saturday I went to the AT&T store to purchase new phones for Hubby and myself. It had been three years and the battery life was pretty much shot on both of them. I get a discount through my place of employment that I needed to activate so I took care of all things in one visit. Wrong! When I arrived home I discovered that my new phone wouldn't charge. I called tech support and they said they couldn't figure out why it would turn on while plugged in but wouldn't hold a charge or stay on more than a few seconds. It just kept shutting down. Return it they said. Hubby's worked fine. I put my old battery in the new phone and it worked so that's when I realized I had been given a bad battery with the new phone. Back to the store today after I made a call to complain to customer service. It got me a $25 discount from my bill so that was worth something, anyway. The guy at the store told me to bring everything with me just in case it wasn't just the battery so off I went. Got about half way there and discovered I didn't have the new (dead) battery. It was back in the house. Back I went to the house and I was going to just forget it till another time but I started dwelling on the fact I still needed to purchase things for my portion of the Thanksgiving meal. Off again! I went to the phone store first and was given the new battery. Discovered the original one was for the model Razor phone that I was giving up instead of for the new version I was getting. Now I have the right one and hopefully I'm set. Off to the grocery store. Rushing through I was almost finished when the fire alarm went off. Nobody was leaving so I figured it wasn't a big deal even though management and security were rushing to the delicatessen part of the store. Sure enough, over the load speaker comes the announcement to abandon all carts and leave the store immediately. What luck! Apparently it was an electrical fire or at least it smelled like it. I was done, just needed to check out and here I am stuck out in the cold waiting and hoping to get back in to rescue my cart of goodies. The rescue trucks came and they climbed on the roof and checked it out and then left. After about 45 minutes of waiting outside we were let back in and the few of us that stuck it out found our carts and proceeded to checkout only to find all the abandoned groceries on the belts from people who had decided not to wait and had just left. We cleared out the check out areas and I managed to get through unscathed. An offer of 10% off would have been nice for all they put us through but no such luck. Anyway, I'm good now and with a little luck I'll avoid having to go back before Thursday. I was glad to be back home and will be even happier not to have to go out again till tomorrow.

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