Saturday, January 31, 2009

Another classic

I finished "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. That makes 25 of the "1001 Books to Read Before You Die" that I have read. I own 32 more of them but I think I'll take a break. As most people know, Dorian Gray had a portrait done by an artist that was enamored of him because of his beauty. Upon seeing the portrait the young Dorian proclaimed that he could not bare the portrait staying young while he would age and that it would be better if he stayed young and the portrait aged. Of course that was what happened. The life that Dorian lived showed on the painting in horrible ways. The portrait did not age well. I had always known of the gist of the story but now I have the book under my belt and can move on to something a little more to my liking. I took the time to read the background of Oscar Wilde while I was reading this book and can understand the undertones of sexuality that are obvious in the book. Wilde was quite the character!

I got a little of the snow that I was hoping for but it came with a coating of ice which I didn't want. Since I took my latest tumble at work, I wasn't able to join the grandchildren in their sledding adventures last night. I would have loved to go racing down that hill! My Mother went sledding with us until she broke her collar bone when she was about 38 and hit a dry patch of road that threw the sled over. We don't have good hills here but fortunately for the grandkids their yard is on a great slope. The woods at the bottom are a little tricky though. Maybe by the next snow my knee will be in good shape and I can hit the slope with them.

I'm enjoying two days off after working the last eight. It's back to the grind tomorrow. As for today, it's a jammie day!

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