Monday, February 23, 2009

Good news

I was thrilled to find out yesterday that my stepdaughter is now staying in area and not moving to Washington state. Her husband had second thoughts about uprooting which made all of us "happy campers." I think a recent illness that their son suffered made them realize that if they were 3000 miles away he wouldn't have his parents loving care. Now if we could only get the Hawaii kid back to the area. Hate to see those pictures of him running around on the beach this time of year in his shirt sleeves and shorts. That's just not right!

Hubby and I got two days off the beginning of March. We didn't plan it but it happened. Our hours are going back down again. I was managing a steady 27 to 37 and now I'm back to 20. But it is giving us two days together which has become rare. If we can find a hidden stash of funds we thought we'd sneak away for an overnight trip. Tough to plan this time of year but who knows.

I started "The Drood" by Dan Simmons. It's 771 pages and after about 3 days I'm still only at page 30. At this rate it will be mid summer till I finish it. There are a few coming out the I'll have to set this one aside and read the other if I don't finish it. It's about the last 5 years of Charles Dickens life and the disaster that changed his life. Of course it's speculation. If it's Simmons then there's going to be horror, too. The only thing wrong with a big book like that, it's hard to carry with you for those captured moments.

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