Friday, February 27, 2009

In the basement

I've been trying to get organized for the past few weeks. I bought a bunch of 18 gallon plastic bins and have been throwing out old boxes and reorganizing stuff in the basement that's been there for the 10 years we've been here in this house. Of course a lot of the stuff moved with us from other houses. Everything is labelled and now it will be easier for my children when I'm gone to just go in and read the label and throw the whole thing out! I did find some treasures today. I found some old books that were mine when I was a wee thing and some birthday cards from when I was as young as two. They are in fabulous shape. There were postcards that my Dad brought back from when he was a conscenious objector in the early 1940's and did his service in the parks of California. The postcards are perfect and not written on. Should have a little value there, Kids, so don't throw everything out. I did mark the bins with comments such as antiques and collectibles so take a peak inside of those before you toss them out. Now if I could only get some shelves built then I'd be all set. I even cleared out the guest room closet and organized the pantry. WOW! What's got into me! I think I'll need to make one more run to the store to get some more bins so that I can clear out my file cabinet and get rid of real estate files that have been gathering dust for years. Those can be tossed!! I know somewhere I have holiday cards that were my Mother's from when she was young. It's amazing what she kept. My Dad used to make leather wallets and purses with imprinted designs. I found a couple and they had some things in them that will now be in the family history albums. Oh, they're in a bin, also.

I'm still struggling through "The Drood." I'm at about page 93 so at this rate I should be done in about 7 more weeks. That should be the longest it's ever taken me to read a book.

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