Thursday, February 19, 2009

New Discovery

At my parttime job they have a block on the computers for all socially active networks. I was surprised to discover I could access my blog. Since I've accomplished all my early morning reports and tidying up, I find myself with free time. No customers running up and asking stupid questions or wanting a miracle performed. I'm slated for a full work day here today. Started at 6 am and won't get out of here until 3 pm. Much better than the late shift but tough to drag myself out of bed at 4:30. Hate having to go to bed before my usual 11:30 time frame. Doesn't give me time to read and relax. Puts pressure on me to close my and eyes and will myself to instant dream land.

My friend in Michigan has been emailing me and telling me about all her snowfalls. Lots of shoveling going on in her driveway. I'm so jealous. We've had about 3 or 4 dustings that haven't amounted to anything. The weather prediction for earlier was 3 days of snow and we got a dusting yesterday and now it's gone and temps are going up to the 40's for the next few days. Hardly blizzard conditions. I'm not greedy. Just want one really big white fluffy two foot blizzard to cover that drab dreary brown and gray world out there. Spring isn't for a while yet so till that beautiful green shows up, let's cover that ugliness with white. Plus we could use the moisture! Our well is showing signs of being low.

Waiting for a shipment of books. I've got a pile I could start on but there's a couple good ones (hopefully) that are coming in the shipment and I don't want to start another until they get here. I have picked up a book of short stories but as I've said before, I'm not fond of short stories. I think there's a Dan Simmon's book coming so I'll be "scared!"

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