Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I finished Ken Follett's "Fall of Giants" which is his first in a trilogy. Very interesting and filled with quite a cast of characters from all over the world. There's Maud and "Fitz" Fitzherbert from England who are brother and sister of gentry. Billy and Ethel Williams from the coal mines of England. Also, brother and sister. Gus Dewar of the US and aide to Pres. Wilson. Walter Von Ulrich from Germany. Last and far from least are the brothers, Lev and Grigori Peshkov of Russia. All their lives become intertwined at some point and changed through the onset of World War I. It's hard to put a novel of almost a 1000 pages into a short summary so I'll just say this one is worth a read. I look forward to the next two installments. Just hope I remember enough about this one to enjoy the next ones.

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