Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Successful reunion

Still working my way through two novels. Might as well throw in "War and Peace" while I'm at it.

Had a great Cousin Reunion last Sunday! Good turn out! More of the next generation would be nice but the ones that were there were greatly appreciated. A great thanks to my daughter for her help in providing the location and cooking the chicken and pasta dish.

It was strange to sit around with the girls and discuss our health issues. My God, we're our mothers afterall. Who hasn't had a hysterectomy and who takes most after our grandmother who spent so much time in the hospital. That's one honor that I sure don't want. Most of us are plagued with a neck or spine problem so those problems were discussed at length.

It was fun watching the food being brought in with all the modern devices to keep everything warm or cold. Our poor mothers had to wrap everything in towels and blankets to keep it warm and now we just look for outlets to plug our crockpots into or warming trays to put things on. The amount of electronic devices that were in most peoples' hands was interesting also since we're all in or near 60 years of age. About half pled ignorance to most computers or smartphones. The rest of us were pretty comfortable using them and they were never far from our reach. Surprisingly the younger generation (26-40 years old) had the same split. My daughter and grandchildren have their's as an appendage. Must admit that I'm never without mine in my pocket but it's not constantly in my hand. The iPhone has been a great purchase and I love having my computer in my pocket. The majority of the relatives are now on "facebook" and that will probably be the way we inform each other of all upcoming events.

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